Names Styles Themes

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M 
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

# return to top
Add "1964"...The Tribute
Add "To Satchmo With Love" - A Tribute to Louis Armstrong
Add 21 Blue
Add 7th Element, The
Add 97th Regimental String Band, The
A return to top
Add Abbey Road Duo
Add Akangana
Add Alborea Dancers
Add All-Skates, The
Add American Spirit
Add AmeriKids / Caroling Kids, The
Add Arabesque Trio
Add Ars Antiqua
Add Artisti del Mundo
Add Atlantic City Boys
Add Authentics, The
B return to top
Add Bahamian Junkanoo
Add Barry Raymond - Keyboards
Add Barry Sides
Add Barynya Cossack Dancers
Add Belle Fleur String Quartet
Add Beth McKee
Add Betty Atchison as "Cher" and others…
Add Big Apple Band
Add Big Chill, The
Add Big Idea, The
Add Bilge Rats, The
Add Bill Herz
Add Billy Scadlock as "Charlie" and others…
Add Billy Scadlock, Variety Performer
Add Blend, The
Add Blue Stone Circle
Add Blues Foundation
Add Boogie Machine
Add Brazilian Spice
Add Braziliana
Add British Invasion, The
Add Buddy Shelton
Add Buzzcatz, The
C return to top
Add Caliente
Add Calypso Sound Steel Band
Add Caravan
Add Carl Faulkenberry
Add Carlton Moody
Add Carmen Ciricillo
Add Carol Stein
Add Caroling Company, The
Add Cartoons by Robert Smith, Jr.
Add Castaways, The
Add Catahoula Blue
Add Celtic Wave
Add Chad Long
Add Chicago 3-D Style
Add Chinese Allstar Acrobats
Add Chinese Calligraphy featuring Li Wei
Add Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats
Add Chris America as "Madonna"
Add Cirque Odyssey
Add Cirque USA Dance Company
Add City Sound
Add Close Shave
Add Coco Loco
Add Complete Desire
Add Conchtown
Add Continental Trio, The
Add Contours, The
Add Copa Kings, The
D return to top
Add Dan Thurmon
Add Dance Express
Add Dance FX
Add Danny Ware as "Michael"
Add Darrin Shifrel
Add David Harris
Add David Russell & CedarBlue
Add David Seering
Add David Williamson
Add DaVonda Simmons
Add Dawna & Jules Polachek
Add Dean Daniels
Add Deanna Braunstein
Add Decades of Dance, The
Add DeLeon Orchestra, The
Add Denny Le Roux
Add Derek & The Slammers
Add Dick Hardwick
Add Dickens Carolers, The
Add Didg Revolution
Add DivaSoul
Add DJ Kip Sweeny
Add Doc Holiday Band, The
Add Don Mincey as "Chevy"
Add Don Soledad
Add Don Soledad's Ethnic Chill
Add Don Townsend
Add Donna Moore as "Marilyn" and others…
Add Donna Moore Show, The
Add Doo Wah Riders
Add Double Date
Add Double Eagle
Add Double Ivory
Add Doug MacCraw - Hypnotist
Add Dr. Holiday
Add Dudek Productions
Add Dueling Pianos
E return to top
Add Electric Cirquit, The
Add Ella Glasgow
Add Energy
Add Eric Lindsey (Solo / Duo / Trio)
Add Erick Kand – Hypnotist
Add Erick Olson
Add Extreme Pianos
Add Extreme Pianos Plus
F return to top
Add Fabulous Expressions, The
Add Fantasy's Angels
Add Finis Henderson
Add Firefall
Add Flavor Band, The
Add Franzini Family Circus
Add Funkiphino
G return to top
Add Gary Jenkins
Add Gary Starling Group
Add Gasparilla Groove, The
Add Gatorbone Band, The
Add Gatorland
Add Gerardo Manrique
Add Gil Machin
Add Giovanni
Add Gordie Brown
Add Gosia & Ali
Add Grace Notes, The
Add Griff Moore
Add Gumbo Boogie
H return to top
Add Hal Roland Orchestra, The
Add Harold Fethe
Add Harrison Light
Add Heart To Heart
Add Heather Chaney as "Britney" and others…
Add Henry Cho
Add HindSight
Add Hip Pocket
Add Hollywood Hi-Tones, The
Add Hometown Jamboree
I return to top
Add Impressions, The
Add Incognito Artists
Add Ivan Garcia
J return to top
Add Jaimie Roberts
Add Jake & Elwood Blues Revue
Add Jan Jennings
Add Jay Johnson
Add Jazz Knights
Add Jazz Masters
Add Jeff Scott
Add Jim Barber & Seville
Add Jim Carter
Add Jim Gossett
Add Jim Green - Magician
Add Jim Show, The
Add Jimmy Horzen and The Alpiners
Add Jimmy Travis
Add Joe Davis Show, The
Add John Charles
Add John Ekin
Add John Harman
Add Johnny Cool & The Mobster Swing Band
Add Johnny Mac
Add Joseph Jevanni
Add Joseph Jevanni & Intensity
Add Josh Bowlus Trio
Add Joyful Noise Gospel Choir
Add Julie Budd
Add Junkanoo Cru
Add Junkanoo Rush
K return to top
Add Karl Louis Weismantel
Add Kenne'
Add Kevin Bales / Kevin Bales Trio
Add Key West Sensation
Add Keytone Kops
Add Kimberly Jones as "Nicole"
Add Kings of the High Seas
Add Kissimmee River Valley Boys, The
Add Kobake
Add Kokomo
Add Kokomo Cay
L return to top
Add La Calle
Add La Machin
Add LA Special
Add Lanakilas Polynesian Revue
Add Last 2 Leave Band
Add Lawrence App
Add Lazer Vaudeville
Add Leo Lopez
Add Leonard Brothers, The
Add Let's Get Rockin! Interactive Band
Add Linda Ann Valente as "Alice" and others…
Add Lindsey Warford
Add Little Jake & The Soul Searchers
Add Living Art by Julie
Add Living Garden®, The
Add Living Statues by Serge Dulac, The
Add Longineu Parsons / Longineu Parsons Ensemble
Add Longineu's Real Jazz Experience!
Add Look-Alikes
Add Lorelei Bavarian Band
Add Loria Brothers
M return to top
Add Mac Frampton
Add Mack Dryden
Add Mack Evans
Add Mad Chad
Add Made in the USA
Add Magic of Glen Foster, The
Add Magical Comedy Waiters
Add Mahogany
Add Maks Annaev
Add Malik's Ultimate Band
Add Malones '60s Revue, The
Add Malones, The
Add Marcia Mitchell Band, The
Add Margarita Boys, The
Add Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive
Add Mariachi Torrez
Add Mark Fitzgerald
Add Mark King
Add Mark King Show, The
Add Mark Loria
Add Marvelless Mark
Add Matsuriza - Taiko Drummers
Add Max Winfrey
Add Miami High-Energy
Add Michael Andrew & Swingerhead
Add Michael Aun, C.S.P.
Add Michael Cavanaugh - Star of Broadway's "Movin' Out"
Add Michael MacArthur as "Laurel"
Add Michelle Amato
Add Michelle Marshall as "Tina," "Oprah" and others...
Add Mike Cross
Add Mimi the Mime
Add Miss Jacqueline Jones
Add Mitch Warner & The Islanders
Add Mo' Rockin
Add Mocko Jumbie Stilt Dancers
Add Mosaic
Add Moulin Rouge
Add Mountain Brew
Add Music and The Mocko Jumbie
Add Musica di Roma
Add Musical Comedians Comedy Tour
Add Musicale Mark
Add Musiquette
Add Muthoni Adrienne - Basket Weaver
Add Mystery Band, The
N return to top
Add Never Never
Add New 8th Army Air Corps Orchestra, The
Add New Delhi Express
Add New Generation
Add New Orleans Mardi Gras Walking Heads
Add New Orleans Nightcrawlers
Add New Orleans Nightcrawlers Mardi Gras Parade
Add New York City Extravaganza
Add None Other
Add Nova Era
Add Nova Pop
O return to top
Add Ocean Waves
Add Olde Towne Brass
Add Orlando Marching Band
Add Orlando Outrageous
Add Other Tunes, The
Add O-Town Motown
Add Outer Toons, The
P return to top
Add Palm Beach Society Orchestra, The
Add Palm Court Society Orchestra, The
Add Papa Doo Run Run
Add Papa Jack Express
Add Paradise
Add Party of Six
Add Party on the Moon
Add PartyQuake
Add Passing Zone, The
Add Patrick Frost
Add Paul Vernon
Add Paul Vesco Band / Orchestra
Add Phat Strad
Add Phil Dirt & The Dozers
Add Philadelphia Funk Authority
Add Philip Bygden as "Clint"
Add Pierre of Paris - Caricaturists
Add Pitch Blue Jam
Add Plā-Stashun
Add Porchdogs, The
Add Preps, The
Add Pride & Joy
Add Primary Colors
Add Private Stock Band
Add Psychics
Add Pure Prairie League
Add Purnama Sari Balinese Dance Company
R return to top
Add Radio Flyer
Add Rainbow's End Band
Add Randie Paul
Add Raspyni Brothers, The
Add Reginald Lyle - Bagpiper
Add Return 2 Zero
Add Return, The
Add Reverend Daniel James & The Revelation Chorale
Add Rich Natole
Add Rick Voigt
Add Rico Monaco
Add Rico Monaco & Sol Sons
Add Robert Harris
Add Robert Street Band, The
Add Robin Gallo as "Reba" and others…
Add Robin Martin as "Lucy"
Add Rockfield Beach (Zydeco)
Add Rockfield Drive (Bistro)
Add Rockola
Add Rocky and the Rollers
Add Rodeo Rhythm Kings
Add Ron Feingold
Add Ron Hawking
Add Ross Johnson
Add Rupert's Orchestra, The
S return to top
Add Salamanders, The
Add Samba Soul!
Add San Tropez
Add Satin Dolls, The
Add Satin Groove
Add Scott Record
Add Sensation
Add Seresta
Add Shalisa and Richard Sloan
Add Shimmer
Add Silk & Bamboo
Add Sliders, The
Add Smith & Western
Add Sound Factory, The
Add South 27
Add South Beach Oxygen Bars
Add South Florida's Heatwave
Add South Pacific Luau
Add Southern Fried Chicks
Add Sovereign Brass
Add Spanky
Add Spirit of Freedom Fife & Drum Corps
Add Starlight Sisters, The
Add Stars & Stripes Washboard Band
Add Stephanie Turner - Harpist
Add Steve Moore & Moore Than Jazz
Add Steve Smith
Add Stiltpros Interactive Entertainment
Add Stradivarius Strings
Add Street Talk Orchestra
Add String Cuisine
Add Super Grit Cowboy Band
Add Sweeney Family Band, The
Add Swing 'N' Sisters, The
Add Swingin' Medallions, The
Add SynD'Cats, The
T return to top
Add Tampa Classic Cigar Rollers
Add Tam-Tam African Drummers
Add Tangueros
Add Teague Stefan Band, The
Add Terry Ward
Add The 7th Element
Add The 97th Regimental String Band
Add The All-Skates
Add The AmeriKids / Caroling Kids
Add The Authentics
Add The Big Chill
Add The Big Idea
Add The Bilge Rats
Add The Blend
Add The British Invasion
Add The Buzzcatz
Add The Caroling Company
Add The Castaways
Add The Continental Trio
Add The Contours
Add The Copa Kings
Add The Decades of Dance
Add The DeLeon Orchestra
Add The Dickens Carolers
Add The Doc Holiday Band
Add The Donna Moore Show
Add The Electric Cirquit
Add The Fabulous Expressions
Add The Flavor Band
Add The Gasparilla Groove
Add The Gatorbone Band
Add The Grace Notes
Add The Hal Roland Orchestra
Add The Hollywood Hi-Tones
Add The Impressions
Add The Jim Show
Add The Joe Davis Show
Add The Kissimmee River Valley Boys
Add The Leonard Brothers
Add The Living Garden®
Add The Living Statues by Serge Dulac
Add The Magic of Glen Foster
Add The Malones
Add The Malones '60s Revue
Add The Marcia Mitchell Band
Add The Margarita Boys
Add The Mark King Show
Add The Mystery Band
Add The New 8th Army Air Corps Orchestra
Add The Other Tunes
Add The Outer Toons
Add The Palm Beach Society Orchestra
Add The Palm Court Society Orchestra
Add The Passing Zone
Add The Porchdogs
Add The Preps
Add The Raspyni Brothers
Add The Return
Add The Robert Street Band
Add The Rupert's Orchestra
Add The Salamanders
Add The Satin Dolls
Add The Sliders
Add The Sound Factory
Add The Starlight Sisters
Add The Sweeney Family Band
Add The Swing 'N' Sisters
Add The Swingin' Medallions
Add The SynD'Cats
Add The Teague Stefan Band
Add The Tip Tops
Add The Tourists by Serge Dulac
Add The Tropicals
Add The Vagabond Troupe
Add The Wise Guys
Add The World Beat-Nicks
Add Three on a String
Add Tim Wilkins
Add Tip Tops, The
Add Tito Puente Jr.
Add Tom & Karen Butler
Add Tom Butler
Add Tom Casey
Add Tom LaVenia
Add Tom McTigue
Add Tommy Blaze
Add Tony Brent
Add Toscha Comeaux
Add Total Package Band
Add Tourists by Serge Dulac, The
Add Toxic Audio
Add Tracey Piergross
Add Tropical Idea
Add Tropicals, The
Add Tu*Ba*Net
Add Twisted Hip
Add Tzigantzi
U return to top
Add Unplugged
Add Untouchable Mocko Jumbie Stilt Dancers
Add Uptown
V return to top
Add Vagabond Troupe, The
Add Victor Espinola
Add Victoria Lynn Schultz
Add Viva Mexico
Add VOX Audio
W return to top
Add Wah Lum Chinese Lion and Dragon Dancers
Add Wallace Murphy
Add Wassalou
Add Whole Lotta Dixie
Add Who's Bad
Add Wig Wag
Add Windjammer
Add Wise Guys, The
Add World Beat-Nicks, The
Y return to top
Add Yacht & Beach Trio
Add Yogi Laser
Z return to top
Add Zippers